Let’s know about a story of transformation and evolution.

Let’s know about a story of transformation and evolution.

Let’s know about a story of transformation and evolution.

The Invisible Hands of Mother Nature Always Cares. With a great sense of curiosity, a kind reluctance, and an air of difficulty, I begin to pen down my journey. At times there is a feeling that connecting the dots of those eventful golden moments of the past may unravel a few of the insights which are lying dormant to shine like a rainbow.  As time is the biggest healer, many of the joys and sorrows of childhood have lost their poignancy; and many incidents have been forgotten while moving higher in the life of Joyous evolution and mastery of self-development 

After schooling at Annie Bascent School, Prayagraj I completed my graduation in Mechanical Engineering in 1997 from NIT Durgapur and got a job in a leading automobile company, Tata Motors, Jamshedpur plant. I also completed the Executive Program of Managing Business Decisions from IIM, Calcutta in 2012.

I recall, an incident in my childhood, after severe dysentery and taking prescription drugs as advised by the doctor which stopped dysentery, I got swelling on the ankle, and knee joint which bedridden me for 2 months. The joint troubles remained on and off many times which affected my health and I started facing multiple health conditions viz joint pain, poor digestion, skin rashes, lack of sleep, neck pain, and lack of motivation in life.

After many years of taking prescription drugs with no improvement in sight, I got disillusioned with the standard medical treatment of prescription drugs. This led me to think and try alternative options to gain health and happiness and this search brought me to the door of Natural Health solutions. 


One of my friends suggested I visit Nature Cure Hospital situated in Gorakhpur called “Arogya Mandir”, founded in 1940 by a pioneering naturopath, great educationist, and freedom fighter Late. Bitthal Das Modi. After a visit to Nature Cure Hospital, Gorakhpur my health conditions improved.

This transformed my life in learning that;

1)     We all have innate healing capabilities,

2)     Whenever there is a disturbance in the balance of harmony of living, the Mother Nature starts its powerful actions towards balancing the unbalance in the form of dis-eases so that all the accumulated wastes generated in the human body will be cleaned,

3)     Diseases are our true friends, reminding us that pay heed to what our body is saying and not manage or suppress the symptoms instead work upon the root cause for permanent healing,

4)     Natural Health is a fine balance and harmonious relationship of self, other fellow beings and creatures, the living environment, and the Supreme being


If we become conscious of these, then we start responding in a more responsible manner towards nurturing, building health, and happiness.


If we observe; animals, birds, and other creatures who follow natural life are seldom found to be unhealthy. We tend to live the most unnatural life, disrespecting the natural laws, misusing the resources, and abusing and disturbing the bio-diversity which leads us to pain, suffering, and disharmony on the physical, mental and spiritual levels.

Hippocrates, a Greek Physician, known as “the father of medicine” observed 2400 years ago, “Natural Forces Within Us Are The True Healers Of Disease”.

Soon I recovered from many of the recurring health problems. I was so impressed by Natural Health solutions that I decided to study those and which prompted me to complete the certification Programme of Naturopathy and yoga at Gorakhpur School of Natural Therapeutics, Gorakhpur, India. My appetite to learn and interests grew further and that led me to complete the Heath Coach Program at Trinity School of Natural Health, Indiana, the USA, and completed my education titled “Therapeutic Food Plans: A Component of Personalized Nutrition” from the Institute of Functional Medicine, Washington, the USA in collaboration with The American Nutrition Association.

After spending 24+ years in corporate life, I resigned from my job as Deputy General Manager in January 2022 and starting-up my venture “Natural Health Culture Movement Foundation” on a mission to touch 2 billion lives by bringing health, happiness, and longevity by closely working with people as a Natural Health Culture Coach.

Let’s endeavour to nurture and build Natural Health Culture for ourselves and our family members as God has given us this life to make the best of ourselves instead of struggling in survival, pain, and suffering.

If a member of the family gets sick, the entire family is in pain and suffering which produce physical, mental, and financial losses leading to disturbance of peace and happiness.

As the invisible hands of Mother Nature always care, hence, my suggestion is not to wait until it is too late.

Let’s join hands in this Natural Health Culture Movement.

My best wishes to each one of you for the best health and happiness!!!

Truly Yours,

Bharat Tripathi

Natural Health Culture Coach

e-mail: naturalhealthculture@gmail.com  

 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1FcyeqgtpDP9UXPB7vyPfA