Dr. Alok Chandra has been designated as an International Educational Ambassador by the Global education organisation Bestow edutrex,

Mumbai's Lala Lajpat Rai Management Institute Professor Dr. Alok Chandra has been designated as an International Educational Ambassador by the Global education organisation Bestow edutrex, which is registered with NITI Aayog, the Ministry of MSME of India,Government of Inda and Dresden International University (DIU) Germany for its commitment to research and the dissemination of value-based education for the benefit of society.
The only institution in India offering value-based management education is LLIM Mumbai, which is widely valued by both domestic and foreign enterprises, resulting in complete industry absorption of students in job before the course is concluded.
Professor Alok Chandra has transformed the lives of thousands of individuals all over the world, earning him the title of Success Guru. His clients and mentees are dispersed all over the world.
He has authored works on Management ,Corporate strategy , Happiness , Relationship, Spirituality, and life management. He is a favourite coach among many CEOs and Gen Z and Millennial youth.
Dr. Alok Chandra's counselling on business growth strategies is regarded as being much more effective than marketing strategies. It's an important part of your company's machinery, he claims. Without one, you're at the whims of a changeable customer base and shifting market conditions. His most recent investigation into why companies fail? is tremendously advantageous to industry. If you've observed the occupancy of shopping centres over a number of years, you've probably noticed that retailers move in and out at startlingly frequent intervals. The same phenomenon occurs in restaurants and in all other types of enterprises. Starting a business, no matter how big or little, is dangerous by definition, and while many firms are successful, a significant fraction fail. In the first two years of operation, one-third of small enterprises with employees fail. By the end of their fourth year, more than half of small enterprises have shut down, and 70% do not survive their seventh year.
Businesses can fail for various issues, but according to him, the vast majority of failures are caused by a combination of the causes: i.e. poor business ideas, cash flow issues, inexperienced or incompetent managers, a lack of a customer-focused approach, and an inability to manage growth. You could assume that a rise in sales would be beneficial. Naturally, it is frequently, but it may also occasionally be a serious issue. The owner's responsibilities vary when a business expands. He or she must assign tasks to others and establish a business structure that can manage the volume rise. Some business owners fail to make the change and end up feeling overwhelmed. Customers are angry, work doesn't get done, and business expansion actually hurts the company. Company coaches act as both teachers and mentors, teaching you the abilities you need for business success while also being a resource for advice if you ever have any uncertainties about what to do.
Dr. Alok Chandra helps his mentees develop their skills, focus on their objectives, direct their decisions, and take any other necessary steps to make sure they and their firm are successful. He contributes by learning everything he can about your brand, including its value propositions, its target market, its difficulties, and everything else.
He will then be interested in learning more about your company's vision and ambitions after learning everything he can about your products and operating procedures. Every firm is different, and every business owner has a different goal for their company. A potential investor needs to know whether you want to grow your company into a multimillion dollar corporation or a livable income for you and your family.
He will then work with you to establish worthwhile and doable objectives for your team. You'll need to meet these objectives if you want to develop effectively and realise the vision you've outlined. Once a set of objectives is established, Dr. Alok Chandra is there to assist you in achieving them. He will work with you to develop a series of strategies and action plans that will push your company toward its objectives while assisting you in overcoming any obstacles that may arise. He was a wonderful resource for specific knowledge and guidance throughout the entire process. Small- or large-scale business management might all too frequently feel like stumbling around in the dark, hoping to locate what you're looking for.
However, in this analogy Dr Alok Chandra serves as your flashlight. He can be contacted +919870999946 advise@dralokchandra.com