Author: Team EG

March 3: Yuvaap, a platform dedicated to health and wellbeing, in accordance with Mr. Prayagruj Hule commenced a combined initiative on the Vedanta philosophy. The series aims to educate young adults about Vedanta philosophy and how it relates to contemporary concerns. The series covers varied topics such as conflicts in marriage, choosing the right partner, marriage, love, children, and some work-life balance and many more. It covers all the issues faced by youth and adults today and also guides them through these issues with the help of Vedanta philosophy. This series is moderated by Yuvaap – a renowned platform that…

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HYPKO, a leading brick and block making machines manufacturing company based in Korba, Chhattisgarh, is changing the game with its focus on innovation and customer service. Founded in 2015 by a team with an engineering background, HYPKO has quickly established itself as a trusted brand in the industry, providing a range of high-quality machines and services to its customers. What sets HYPKO apart from its competitors is its founders’ expertise and knowledge of the latest technology, which has enabled them to design innovative machinery that produces bricks and blocks of high compressive strength. The company’s commitment to using genuine and…

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Touchstone Infotech has announced the launch of their cloud solution services designed to help small and medium enterprises (SMEs) integrate with cloud computing services. This complete solution from licensing to implementation will help businesses tap into the power of cloud computing for greater success. “At Touchstone Infotech, we understand the importance of cloud computing for businesses today,” said CEO Prashant Rajput. “Our mission is to make sure that our clients have access to cutting-edge technology solutions that can help them expand and grow.” The company offers a wide range of specialized services such as cloud licensing, implementation, migration, optimization, and…

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Q. When did you discover your love for writing? Ans. I think I was twelve or thirteen years when I use to do diary writing a lot. And I make sure I do every day where I put myself deeply into words. Slowly and steady it became love. Q. What drives you to write or who inspires you? Ans. I think since my childhood I have been my own motivator be it academics or professional work force. I try daily to achieve myself as a person, and also, I am a greatest believer of self-evaluation first. My life and challenges…

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Maulik Patel’s journey from a hobbyist photographer to the founder of Studio Beunique is a story of passion, hard work, and entrepreneurial spirit. Maulik has always been drawn to the world of art and creativity, spending countless hours drawing and painting as a child. As he grew older, he began to explore different art forms, including music and photography. It was during his college days when he received his first camera as a gift from his parents that his passion for photography was ignited. He quickly fell in love with the process of capturing moments and began to experiment with…

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Kamlesh Salvi is a Digital Lifestyle Content Creator. He had launched himself into social media as an influencer. In his words, “being an influencer is what felt interesting and brought out the best in me”. Eventually, he started working on himself and making a career out of his talents. Styling tips for when you are in a hurry and want to look sharp According to Kamlesh Salvi, a digital lifestyle content creator, it is possible to actually style yourself in five minutes. Here are four essential things to keep in mind: 1. Get everything adjusted to your size and shape…

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In today’s fast-paced and ever-changing business landscape, the start of a new fiscal year can be a time of excitement and anticipation for business owners. It’s an opportunity to set new goals, to resolve to meet them and to commit to the transformations necessary to achieve them. But all too often, these goals become elusive as time passes by… We become unclear about why we set them in the first place, and our motivation wanes. It’s like trying to be healthy without knowing WHY – is it for a health reason, an upcoming event, or a competitive challenge? Without a…

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Livinnovate is a digital startup incubation provider in India that is breaking barriers and pioneering entrepreneurship among the youth. Founded by two young entrepreneurs, Abhishek Nair, and Siddharth Singh Rajvanshi, Livinnovate provides a platform for aspiring entrepreneurs to turn their ideas into reality and build successful businesses. From their early days in education, Abhishek and Siddharth were inspired by startup founders and the idea of creating something new and innovative. As they progressed in their careers, they founded their first venture, Technician Brothers, an IT services provider agency that served over 100 IT-based companies. During the quarantine period, they saw…

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Discover the Wonders of Andaman Andaman, the exotic Indian archipelago, is known for its pristine beaches, crystal-clear waters, lush forests, and colorful marine life. For many tourists, this paradise on earth is the ultimate destination for relaxation and adventure. However, planning a trip to Andaman can be overwhelming, especially for first-time visitors who may not know where to go, what to do, and where to stay. To simplify the travel experience and make it more enjoyable, Andaman Bliss Tours and Travel Agency has launched with a mission to help travelers discover the wonders of Andaman stress-free. The agency offers a…

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March 3: Yuvaap, a platform dedicated to health and wellbeing, in accordance with Mr. Prayagruj Hule commenced a combined initiative on the Vedanta philosophy. The series aims to educate young adults about Vedanta philosophy and how it relates to contemporary concerns. The series covers varied topics such as conflicts in marriage, choosing the right partner, marriage, love, children, and some work-life balance and many more. It covers all the issues faced by youth and adults today and also guides them through these issues with the help of Vedanta philosophy. This series is moderated by Yuvaap – a renowned platform that…

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In recent years, online gaming has become increasingly popular, and the number of online gaming websites has also grown. One such website is 1xbook, which offers a range of games, including sports betting, casino games, and esports. In this blog post, we’ll look at some of the bonus offers that 1xbook provides players. 1xbook is an online gaming platform that offers users a wide range of features and benefits. One of the platform’s standout features is its fast and reliable service, ensuring users have a seamless gaming experience. It is further complemented by the platform’s wide selection of games, including…

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A hair transplant is a surgery to restore natural hair loss and promote hair growth. It consists of several steps including the initial procedure, post-operative care, scar management after surgery, and rehabilitative steps until a patient’s natural hair has grown back. A safe hair transplant procedure is a process that is protocol based and involves a series of steps. The procedure is lined with a complete discussion of the patient’s desired objectives and necessary protocols that will provide the best results for the patient, keeping in mind his/her safety. Recently, an incident involving Athar Rasheed has come under immediate scrutiny…

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Fried food is a beloved staple of many diets around the world, but its consumption has been linked to numerous health concerns such as weight gain, heart disease, and diabetes. While it may be difficult to give up the crispy goodness of fried chicken or French fries, doing so can have long-term benefits for people of all age. Nandini Agarwal – the Desk Job Nutritionist believes that maintaining good dietary habits can save you from all type of chronic disease as your body become what you consume. Benefits of Not Eating Fried Food for a Month Nandini is on a…

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In the past few years, the world has witnessed a massive shift toward online education. This trend was accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, which forced schools and universities around the world to close to prevent the spread of the virus. However, even before the pandemic, online education was gaining popularity and the advantages of e-learning were becoming increasingly apparent. One platform that has stood out in this space is Intelligence Vidyarthi – an online learning platform that offers skill development courses to people of all ages at affordable prices. Intelligence Vidyarthi was founded with the intention of making education and…

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Shreyas Media In a fast-moving world of entertainment, digital content management has been crowned as the king and managing such kings, is truly a royal task. Founded by Mr. G.Sriniwaas Rao in 2000 by, Shreyas Media made its professional debut with the audio launch of Superstar Pawan Kalyan’s Jalsa in 2011 after which it ventured out to host events in all sectors, may it be the entertainment world, weddings, political meetings or campaigns. Shreyas Media has been a pioneer in the fast-growing digital media sector, establishing itself as a dominant player. The company has harnessed the potential of online platforms…

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1. What is your business about ? As a digital marketing agency, our business helps clients to achieve their marketing objectives by utilizing digital channels such as search engines, social media, email, and websites. Our services include search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click advertising (PPC), social media marketing, email marketing, content marketing, website design and development, and more. 2. How did you start your journey ? Our journey as a digital marketing agency started with a passion for helping businesses grow and succeed in the digital age. We noticed that many businesses were struggling to keep up with the rapidly changing…

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